Thursday, March 31, 2011

March Madness

Considering the crazy weather and all this year, I am very glad to say adios to March and all the winter weather that came with it.
The view from my front porch for majority of the winter

My training has been going very well. The race is on April 22nd so I still have a few weeks to amp up the plan. Coach Kelly has done just that. My April includes speedwork once a week, strength training a minimum of once a week and an added 5K run every week...phew! I'm just tired thinking about.

Actually I am  more tired of thinking about it than actually doing it. It's so hard to try to fit in my training around kids and husband and house...seriously, my house has been neglected the most through all this. It complains the least, so I guess I tend to overlook it's needs. I promise you house, a nice good cleaning when all this racing is done.

I have a serious case of the Mommy/Wife guilt lately. I just feel awful even bringing up the word 'run' or worse 'long run'. I do my best to plan my run time around family time, but really, let's be honest, every waking moment of my life is family time. There's no punch clock, there's no time-out for me. 

Besides the guilt I'm still excited about all that I have accomplished  already this year, and even right through the crapiest winter in history! I'm glad that I'm starting the spring season in the best shape I've ever been. Well, running shape anyway.

With spring in the air, I'm excited to get the lead out in April. But as for March, here's how it went down:

Total runs: 13

Total time on my feet: 14 hours

Total Kms for the month: 108.1 (holy heartfailure, Batman!)

Total Kms for the year: 259.4

I capped the month off with a speed work session tonight. I talked myself into worry. Thinking that I can't complete the recommended work, but I almost always end up doing it just fine and sometimes do a little too much in the end. 

Tonight I did 4 X 1000 with 500 recovery between. It was great! I was supposed to aim for 6:15/km pace, but my third interval was 5:25/km...ooopppss! That also had something to do with the dog (sans leash!) and his owner that thought it was very funny his dog was chasing the poor little woman that was just trying to get a good sweat on.

Did you get your sweat on today? Did you get chased by a little dog too?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GREAT JOB!!! I love following your training :)

it's 8 here, no sweating for me... yet...