Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Lighter Side of Running

Today on the Run Like a Mother facebook page they posted a link to More Magazine's listing of the funniest running t-shirts.
I thought these were hilarious...because they are true!

I am not one for flashy clothes, especially anything with phrases, cartoons or pictures of animals on the front, or on the back or anywhere...oh, no thank you, no graphics for me.

My running clothes are no exception, I have about four really great tech shirts and not one of them has anything on them. Not even a tiny check mark over my heart.  I guess I'm a little boring added with being a little self conscious. I prefer to not draw attention to myself as I'm sweating and panting.

But these shirts just might change all that....

The caption under this said you could pick from: margaritas, beer, chocolate, wine. 
I say: Yes, yes, yes, and  yes...please!
Oh, and can you run an iron over it before you ship it out...seriously, who crawled outta bed with this on before the photo shoot??

This one says...If your Relationship is Still Working....You Could be Training Harder.
Sad....but true.....

This says: "I thought they said 'RUM' "
Bahahhaha...that just makes me laugh. And I love Rum too..

This one made me laugh...on the inside.
This is sooooo what I think of when I'm lining up for a race....what was I thinking??? Why do I want to run my ass off for 10K (or more). 
Oh, right...because I set goals for myself and make myself go through with it....how dare I!!!

I like when I can laugh at myself...and all you other runners out there. I'm sure you gave a chuckle, or two, when you read these...c'mon admit it!

What piece of clothing made you smile today?


Matt Pavone said...

I once got a great shirt that says " I smoke meat".

Anonymous said...

LOL, awesome shirts! I love the 'running is cheaper than therapy' shirts. So true!