Can I just say how much I LOOOVVVEE blog giveaways. Just by simply being a regular reader you can win all sorts of fun stuff.
Today I won the 'Reader Appreciation' Giveaway from Zoe at Run, Zoe, Run! She was just givin' away some free stuff. I won a summertime care package that may have included something about 'Peep' flavoured lipbalm. I think my kids are going to fight over that one.
If you get a chance, check out Zoe's blog. Great running and mom related stuff, with the occassional cute picture of her new baby, Goober. She's soooo cute. Kinda brings me back to those baby days, well, just briefly. I got interested in Zoe's blog because she was relating her stories of running while pregnant. I was not a runner until after my babes, but I have great respect for those moms-to-be that can haul the extra weight out around the block, or even out of bed!
Speaking of giveaways, Coach Kelly, over at Secrets of a Running Mom, is hosting an awesome giveaway right now for a FREE RoadID. RoadID are custom made bands for wrist/ankle/shoe etc, that have your important information engraved on it. This is great for the (oh, it will never happen to me) moments when you can't speak for yourself. Great for runners/cyclists/kids/teens/elderly...really anyone.
But please, don't sign up for the giveaway, I want to win a RoadID for myself...'cause I'm selfish that way!
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