In all seriousness, my early runs continue to be quite (and quiet) enjoyable. But since I run in morning and don't feel there is a strong 'witness' presence, I err on the side of caution and chose to run sans music. In one way I'm staying safe and alert, well, as alert as I can possibly be at 6am. In another way I'm not cluttering my mind with groovy tunes, but instead I'm absorbing the early morning ambiance. The birds singing mainly, but there is also the absence of other sounds...lawnmowers, motorcycles, my children get the picture.
So, that being said, my runs that have included music have been almost like a mid-week beer on a Wednesday! To make my treat extra special I've recently loaded up on some new tunes to help me through the tough parts.
Here's what currently gets my engine runnin':
Two Door Cinema Club: What you want
This song just makes me want to dance, when I first heard it I actually reverted back to my dance lesson days and did a step together move...much like the dancers in the video.
City and Color: Fragile Bird
For those of you who know. Mr. Green does it again and this new album delivers. I love the groove, the lyrics and his voice. Apparently I'm not the only one...the album is #1 in Canada and in Australia.
The Sheepdogs: I don't know
These are a Canadian band that have gained attention through the Rolling Stone contest. This crazy group of long-haired-hippy-freaks could be gracing the cover of Rolling Stone magazine if they get enough votes. They deserve it, on this song alone. It's a true summertime song, perfect for sitting on the back deck, sippin' a cold one. I don't know what it is about summer that taps into my inner 70's child...
but I love this song! If you do too...go vote for these guys.
What's new on your playlist?